What is Rewild?

TL;DR: Host your own website on your own computer safely with minimal hassle. For anyone who can use a computer, not just tech-whizzes. This very site is hosted on my own laptop!


Rewild seeks to help build an independent internet, a truly autonomous network of websites built by nearly everyone with access to a computer. Unlike the earlier decades of the internet, most people today only use about 5 or 6 websites (AKA Apps) owned by the largest most valuable corporations on Earth, many of which have owners who are buddying up with the new fascist administration. We need to preserve and grow the wild internet, and we want to help make that as easy as possible, while also encouraging people to learn some basic internet skills. Knowledge is freedom, freedom is power.

Ever wanted to make a website?

Making your own website is a simple process as long as you have a little bit of technical know how. We are working on a program that you will be able to download to host your own website on your own computer! It’s safe, we promise. Keep track of our progress on Github.